An external validation visit was undertaken at Sulby School on the 7th February 2025 as part of a programme of external validation visits of schools and educational services commissioned by the Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC). The aim of the external validation visit was to promote continuous improvement and to deliver consistency, share best practice and deliver positive outcomes for children and young people. The visit was undertaken by two external, independent validators from Etio (formerly known as Tribal Education).

The external validation team looked at a wide range of evidence presented by school leaders, including the school self-evaluation, and sampled the work of the school during the visit. These activities were focussed on key areas based on the self-evaluation of the school and included visits to a cross-section of lessons, meetings with staff, Governors and learners, gathering the views of parents and carers where appropriate and scrutiny of documentation.

During the visit, the external validation team considered key areas of focus which were explored in collaboration with the school leaders to validate school leaders’ own evaluations. The school’s committed leadership has created a learning culture which places the community and positive relationships between all its members at the very heart of everything that it does for your children. This shared vision enables children to express themselves and develop as wonderfully articulate and confident learners who understand, value and really enjoy their ‘Learning Adventure’ together at the school.

Your children are great ambassadors for the school and embody all that it stands for. Indeed, they have a genuine sense of pride in their school community, which they express openly and enthusiastically. Children are able to reflect on their learning experiences and recognise the rich and varied opportunities that are provided to support their growth and personal development as responsible and caring young people, both within and beyond the classroom. These are celebrated together in many ways, including whole school assemblies where the quality of personal relationships is evident. Your children are kind and respectful towards each other and clearly enjoy the shared experience of learning together in this close-knit, ‘family’ community where they are known and valued.

Leaders have created a number of innovative and aspirational approaches to learning which both nurture and stimulate your children’s development. For example, the Zen Den provides the opportunity for a really smooth start to the school day for those who need it, while local community initiatives, such as those inspired by School Council activities, offer memorable experiences which enables your children to connect their learning about global topics to the local environment. The wide range of partnerships that have been developed with groups within the local community, such as the local care home, additionally enrich and add further value to your children’s experiences and support the application of their school-based learning and personal growth.

The school has developed a positive relationship with you as parents. The school’s ethos is embraced and those parents who engaged in the external validation visit, recognise and greatly value the positive impact that it has on their children’s development. As a result, you actively support and contribute to the vibrant life of the school community.

Leaders, including the well-informed Governing Body, understand the school’s priorities. As part of their commitment to continuous improvement, they are now looking to build on the strong foundation provided by your children’s enthusiasm for learning by actively engaging your children to take ownership of shaping how they learn and make progress. This will involve children working together with staff to share ideas on the development of the curriculum.

Leaders are also exploring how they ensure that the school’s examples of best practice in innovative teaching, learning and assessment continue to be developed and shared across the school and celebrated across the Island so that all your children consistently benefit.

Staff are energised and excited about their contributions, as they continue to work together with you and your children as part of this ambitious learning community where positive relationships define all that it does and achieves.

Kind regards
Nicola Morris
Lead Validator
External Validation Team