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More in the section Parents Information:


If your child will be absent from school through illness or other medical reasons please advise us by letter, email or telephone so that we may record the absence as authorised in the register. There are some illnesses and medical conditions that require children to be absent for a pre-determined n…

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Accessibility Plan

Our school is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible environment for all students, staff, and visitors. In line with our dedication to equality and accessibility, we have developed a comprehensive Accessibility Plan. This plan outlines our strategies to increase access to education for…

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Additional Educational Needs and learning support

Most children require some form of individual support or additional challenge from time to time and this is provided by our class teachers. We also recognise a wider range of needs, which can include pupils with learning or social difficulties, medical needs or disabilities. Sometimes these needs c…

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Admissions to Sulby School

Children who live in our catchment area (you can check that here), or who have brothers or sisters at school, are guaranteed a place at Sulby. Parents living outside the catchment area may make an application for a place at any time during their child’s primary education. The success of an applicat…

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Arrival at school

The school playground opens at 8:30am for any early arrivals, although our staff will only be 'on duty' from 8:45am, and our staff cannot be responsible for children who arrive at the school before 8:45am. All children should use the external playground entrance, although older children may wish to…

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Assessment is an integral part of the Essentials for Learning Curriculum on the Isle of Man. Teachers constantly monitor each pupil to plan how each child should progress in the next stage of their learning. Teachers will make continuous assessments of pupil performance against the curriculum attai…

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Attendance and holidays

The school policy on extended holidays is to advise parents that every day in school is important and that we recommend arranging vacations or trips away for times when the school is closed. The Department for Education, Sport and Culture does not support term-time holidays and schools are required…

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Bags and belongings

We only have a limited cloakroom space and we request that children bring the minimum baggage to school. A school book bag should be sufficient on most days. The PTA provides every child with a book bag in their house colour and this is ideal for carrying and protecting reading books, papers and ho…

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We believe in the importance of a positive approach to the behaviour of children in school. We do not have a long list of rules but encourage children to act sensibly and responsibly according to their surroundings – being responsible and respectful are terms we use frequently. All children are exp…

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We love celebrating birthdays and class teachers, particularly those with younger year groups, will usually recognise children’s birthdays with the traditional song. Although we used to give out birthday sweets or gifts on a child’s behalf we have had a number of issues that means we can no longer…

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Car parking

The school car park can become very busy, particularly at home time. A one-way system is in operation and the speed limit is below 5mph. We request that all car drivers remember that young children are very unpredictable and extreme caution is required. On occasion drivers may find themselves doubl…

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We try and provide a wide variety of after school and lunchtime clubs so that the children have an opportunity to take part in optional additional activities. We send a letter to parents at the beginning of each term detailing the clubs on offer and their start and finish dates. Parents are asked t…

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We try and communicate as effectively as possible with parents, through letters, flyers, texts, reports, questionnaires and newsletters. We welcome your views and comments on any issue. We are happy to hear any ideas about things we can improve, and it is also lovely to receive supportive comments…

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Contacting school

Our office is staffed each day until 2.00pm. Our telephone number is 897258 and our email address is, Telephone contact with school can be unreliable in the afternoons although we do our best to answer calls. However, we do have a mobile contact number, 324318, for use in an…

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End of the day

Children in our Reception class leave their classroom through the rear door and are collected at the railings by their outdoor play area. Children in Years 1 and 2 leave school through the Infant door at 3:30pm, where teachers will see them safely to their parents or carers. If children in Year 1 o…

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Head lice

Most schools encounter some cases of headlice from time to time. Manx Care provides guidance for schools and parents on identification and treatment. If you notice your child with headlice please let us know and we can ask parents of children in the class to take part in a weekend head check. We ha…

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Home Learning

We do provide home learning activities for children to support learning undertaken in school and also to help develop a good home and school partnership. For the younger children the activity will often be maths and literacy, daily reading, word lists or number bond practice. As children move throu…

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House Points and rewards

A consistent theme at Sulby is ‘working together’ and we believe a positive and dynamic partnership between parents, teachers and children is essential in ensuring children have a happy and successful education. We encourage all our children to share any outside achievements with us in school throu…

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Late arrivals

It is really important that children arrive at school on time. It can be upsetting for a child to arrive after everyone else and it is far better for the children to come into school and settle to their activities together. The school bell rings at 8:55am to remind the children to line up (in their…

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Children have a choice of school lunches or bringing a packed lunch. Lunchtime should be a happy and social time and we allow children plenty of time to eat their meals. Younger children are encouraged to have a ‘lunch time’ buddy and will always sit with members of their own class. We value polite…

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Medicines, bumps & bruises, asthma & allergies

Children should not bring medicines of any sort to school. If there are special circumstances please contact the Head of School for advice. Teachers are not allowed to administer any medicines but we can occasionally make arrangements to administer short-term medication on completion of the Departm…

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Children shouldn’t bring money to school unless they have been advised by their teacher or unless it is for an office payment. We provide named wallets for each child, which should be used to bring any payments to school. It will be really helpful if parents could also pop a named envelope inside a…

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Parent helpers

We have many parents who help in school with a variety of activities. Some parents are able to offer assistance with outings and visits, some help with organising books and our library, some are able to help within the classroom or with reading, swimming, sports events or by maintaining our wildlif…

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Parents Evenings

We have two formal Parent’s Evenings each year, one in the Autumn Term in October and the second in the Spring Term in March. We send letters advising parents about the evenings and post appointment sheets in the entrance hall for you to choose the most convenient day and time. If you would like to…

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Pastoral care

We consider the personal and social development of your child to be an essential part of our provision. If we have happy, enthusiastic and confident children who have positive self-esteem learning is far more successful and rewarding. If we have any concerns about a child’s welfare we usually invol…

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Peripatetic music

The children in the junior classes are given the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. Instruction is given by visiting tutors and the lessons are free. Instruments may be hired on a termly basis from the Department for Education and Children. The current options are brass, violin and…

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Physical Education (P.E.)

P. E. is a big part of our healthy schools provision and we provide a revolving programme of team games, gymnastics, dance, movement, athletics and exercise. All children need their P.E. kit in school on a daily basis. This consists of a plain white or ‘logo’ t- shirt, black shorts and plimsolls fo…

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Playtimes and lunchtime are very important parts of our day. We try to make playtime a fun, enjoyable and social time of the day for everyone. We provide a wide variety of activities and equipment, which are organised for us by our children’s Playground Committee. The Committee represents all year…

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We have a very active and supportive Parent Teacher Association and every parent is automatically a member. The Association runs various events during the school year and supports us in numerous ways. The fund raising activities in recent years have been quite amazing for such a small school and ev…

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Records and contact details

It is really important that we have your correct contact details for correspondence and also a list of phone numbers we can contact in an emergency. If you happen to change phones or work places please remember to let us know your new numbers.

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School grounds and garden areas

We are fortunate to have fabulous facilities at Sulby and we are always looking for ways to improve and utilise our wonderful outdoor environment. We try and make use of all the outdoor opportunities available to us and children will regularly have science, geography, history and art sessions outsi…

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School Hours

The school playground opens at 8:30 in the morning. The bell will ring at 8:55am for the children to line up before making their way to their classrooms for registration at 9:00am. We have a morning break at 10:40am for 15 minutes, followed by our lunch break at 11:55am for our younger children, an…

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School Performance Data

The information presented below gives an overview of pupil attainment at the end of Reception Year, Year Two and Year Six in 2023. The numbers in the tables represent the percentage of pupils attaining each level. End of Year data 2022 - 23 EYFS Good Level of Development (GLD) 65.4 End of KS1 L2+ L…

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Snacks and drinks

We encourage all children to bring a healthy snack to school for morning break. This should be in a suitable container, which is stored in the classroom. We recommend a piece of fruit as the best choice for snack time but we don’t allow sweets, crisps or chocolate! We encourage all children to brin…

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Executive Headteacher David Jenkins Head of School Penny Doran Year 6 Teacher (and Curriculum Standards Leader) Sophie Leaton Year 5 Teacher Ellie van Staden Year 4 Teacher Susie Brunswick …

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We make regular use of the Northern Swimming Pool and children in the juniors attend on a rota basis. We usually have the Year 3 and Year 4 children attending every week for two terms and the Year 5 and Year 6 children attending weekly for one term. Standard swimming kit is required although boys m…

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Toys, valuables and jewellery

Children should not bring toys to school unless they have been specifically asked to by a teacher. We also recommend that children do not bring expensive watches nor do we allow any items of jewellery. If your child is required to wear a religious symbol please advise us in writing. Children may we…

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We have a very simple school uniform and we encourage all our children to wear it with pride. Many parents at Sulby have indicated their preference for a school uniform and the Governors are keen to support this option. The uniform can be purchased using the school mail order suppliers – we don’t c…

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Although we experience our fair share of rainy weather it is very unusual for a school on the Island to have to close because of extreme weather. However, should this need arise the Department of Education and Children circulates information using Manx Radio bulletins. If the weather in your area i…

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