Cross Country Heroes!
in the Gallery
Our sensational Sulby running team put in an amazing performance at the recent Isle of Man Primary Schools Cross Country compet…
Our sensational Sulby running team put in an amazing performance at the recent Isle of Man Primary Schools Cross Country compet…
Just look at this wonderful writing from our Year 1 children! They're making great progress through their current project 'Brig…
In Year 6, our current topic is Hola Mexico - a fantastic opportunity for our children to learn all about a country and its uni…
Our school motto is 'Learning is a great adventure', and it is at the heart of all of our thinking as we plan our curriculum ac…
In Yea 6 our pupils are enjoying some terrific, challenging maths work - this week it's a look at prime numbers to one hundred!…
Our Year Two children have been mesmerised by the magical transformation of caterpillar to butterfly! It's been a beautiful par…
It was a wonderful team performance from our Tag Rugby stars this morning as they took part in the all-island tournament! Just…
We have had a great time working with the Queen of Slime, Susie Fargher, as part of our Mental Health Week activities! As well…
In Year 2 our children are doing some fantastic learning all about our Sulby community! They're developing a great knowledge an…