Children have a choice of school lunches or bringing a packed lunch. Lunchtime should be a happy and social time and we allow children plenty of time to eat their meals. Younger children are encouraged to have a ‘lunch time’ buddy and will always sit with members of their own class. We value politeness and good manners and encourage all the children to use their cutlery correctly and to tidy up their own trays. Our lunch time staff are always there to help if needed. We have three lunchtime ancillary staff on duty to encourage a healthy, happy and safe play time.

School lunches offer a choice of main meal, including a salad bar option and a dessert. We send home individual menus in advance so that parents may pre-select their child’s lunch option for each day. We appreciate four weeks notice for any changes for school lunches but we may be able to action requests earlier through the school office. We keep a close eye on children’s eating habits, especially the younger ones, so that we can make parents aware of any concerns or observations. Children bringing packed lunches in Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6) can store their lunch boxes in the pigeon holes provided but younger children in Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) should take their lunch boxes directly to the classroom for storage on the trolley. We encourage all children to make a good attempt at eating lunch but any uneaten food should be popped back into lunch boxes to be returned home. We provide a glass of water for any child requiring one but any drinks brought into school should be non-fizzy and stored in a plastic container.

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