The school playground opens at 8:30am for any early arrivals, although our staff will only be 'on duty' from 8:45am, and our staff cannot be responsible for children who arrive at the school before 8:45am. All children should use the external playground entrance, although older children may wish to enter school through the Junior door and make their way to the playground via the rear door.
Once the bell rings, all pupils should line up on the playground in their allocated class spot and their teacher will come onto the playground to greet them and lead them into the classroom. Please do remember that it is important for the children to make a prompt start to their school day, so the teachers may not be able to discuss any issues with you at length at this point.
Children in Reception will be met on the playground by the class teacher or Education Support Officer.
On particularly wet mornings all children should make their way into school on arrival, using the most convenient entrance, and should go to the school hall until they are collected by the staff to begin their lessons.