At Sulby School we believe that assessment is a vital component of the teaching and learning process, providing valuable insights into each pupil's progress and achievements. Our assessment practises are designed to be ongoing and formative, allowing teachers to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement. We employ a variety of assessment methods, including observations, quizzes, and project work, ensuring that we capture a comprehensive picture of each pupil's learning journey. This approach not only informs our instructional strategies but also enables us to tailor support to meet the diverse needs of our pupils.

To keep parents informed and engaged in their child's educational progress, we hold two parent evenings each year. These evenings provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their child's achievements, share future learning goals, and collaborate with teachers on how to best support their child's development at home. In addition to these meetings, we prepare a thorough annual report for every pupil summarising their progress, achievements, and next steps in learning. This report is shared with parents at the end of the academic year, ensuring they have a clear understanding of their child's performance and growth throughout the year. By fostering open communication with parents, we aim to create a strong partnership that supports our pupils in reaching their full potential. Assessment levels are formally reported to parents at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 although progress and achievements will be discussed at parent evenings.

You can read our Assessment Policy here;


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Parents Information

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