Most children require some form of individual support or additional challenge from time to time and this is provided by our class teachers. We also recognise a wider range of needs, which can include pupils with learning or social difficulties, medical needs or disabilities. Sometimes these needs can be resolved with additional intervention although others may be longer lasting or continuous.

Every child at Sulby is recognised as an individual and we aim to make sure our provision is the best we can provide for every child. Most children require additional support or challenge from time to time.

Class teachers identify when pupils require support and will liaise with parents to discuss the way forward. Parents may also observe aspects of development which concern them and we are always happy to discuss any learning issues or aspects of your child’s development. For some children a structured programme of home and school support is needed and this may result in an Individual Education Plan, which is formulated and reviewed on a termly basis.

If a more complex level of need is identified we can refer to the Department’s Educational Psychologists for intervention. We also have access to outside agencies and we work closely with other professionals including speech and language therapy, Health or Social Services.

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Parents Information

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