We try and provide a wide variety of after school and lunchtime clubs so that the children have an opportunity to take part in optional additional activities. We send a letter to parents at the beginning of each term detailing the clubs on offer and their start and finish dates. Parents are asked to complete and return the slip to request a place in the clubs available. If a child is registered for a school club then we do expect them to attend every session unless they are absent from school. If a club is cancelled for any reason we always try and provide written notice. If we have to cancel a club because of staff illness on the day we send a text or phone message.
All clubs are from 3:35pm - 4:25pm. Currently, our available clubs are;
Monday | Hockey | Year 4 |
Monday | Weaving | Year 2 |
Wednesday | Netball | Year 6 |
Wednesday | Lego | Year 3 |
Wednesday | Art | Year 5 |
Thursday | Art | Year 4 |
Thursday | Football | Year 3 |